Monday, June 21, 2010

That Sandman Guy

It's a battle of wits,
and I just can't win!
That bully, the Sandman
is at it again,

He comes hangin' around late at night,
and what he does, well it just ain't right
Using the element of surprise,
He tosses the magic Dust at my eyes

And if that doesn't work
He whacks my head
Anything to get me
To go to bed.

So here I am
drifting off to dream
Remembering notes, and phone calls
among other things

And in the morning
when I wake up
I'll think about it all,Over my coffee cup

Now as you know
I like to write Rhymes
The good and bad
about my life and times.

And I just couldn't let
This magic night pass by,
without writing a few lines
About that Sandman Guy!

Written By: Nancie Norton

Copyright 2009

The Roadside Cross

Out earlier and passed several lonely Roadside crosses along my way. The first two lines of this poem came to me, when I got home I sat down and finished it....

A cross beside the road, by someone left,

The memory of a Birth, a Life, A Death

Looking straight ahead, in a focused trance

We pass right by it, without even a glance.

We've gotten so used to seeing these Roadside Shrines,

That often, we don't take the time,

To remember that life can end so fast

That the hugs and kisses this morning, could be our last.

So the next time you see, a cross by the road

Remember that for someone, it represents a heavy Load,

A load shared with others to make it easier to bear

Hoping to make others think twice, when they speed past there.

And if you love someone, always tell them before you go

'Cause sometimes true Feelings, your actions don't show

Then say a little prayer for Loved ones lost

Represented and remembered by a roadside cross.

Written By: Nancie Norton

June 8th 2010