Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People

Why do bad things happen to people who are good?
Sometimes we just don't understand.... but wish we could

We may ask, "why did this have to happen to me?
After all, I've tried to do good to the maximum degree!"

Things sometimes happen, beyond our control
That shake us to our very soul

We never know from day to day,
What trials and tribulations might come our way

As mortals, in this life we are subject to trials
God doesn't make these things happen, that's just not his style

But you know, he often uses trials to realign us with his plan
To lift us upon that solid rock, and out of sinking sand

At times, he uses them to make us strong
Or give us a sense, of right and wrong

When bad things happen,there's one thing you can be sure of
Our Father God will be there with his unending love

He will give the much needed Grace to survive
Any problem that satan can contrive

We're not promised, an easy life here on Earth
We are subject to the whims of satan, right from our birth

So next time things don't go according to your plan
Don't ask why, just go to the main man

Because he makes good things come out of the bad
He's the Savior, the Father, and the best Friend I've ever had!

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