Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rainy Days and Poetry

Rainy days and poetry
Well they just kind of go together
That's not the only time I write though
I can write in any kind of weather

Just seems like Inspiring words
Fall on me with every drop of rain
Inspiration abounds Imagination and soul,
a combination, hard to explain

Thoughts rush in so many things to think of, I find
Feelings and emotions
Hopes and dreams
in this literary mind

I put them on paper
For everyone to see
Kinda like searching through my heart
sharing Heartwords of the one I call me.

I hope that in some way you'll find
A Peace within you from the words I write
As I journey through this poetic blend
Of helping words, that God provides.

Come with me now, on this journey
As I search through my Heart, soul, and being,
for words, soul to soul, given by the one
Who's all knowing, and all seeing.

He knows that some of the things that I write
are things others can relate to
Feelings, emotions, , and dreams
to touch the one that he calls you..

Written By: Nancie Norton

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